WayCap Ez Two Pack (for Nespresso®)

  • $69.36
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We currently have 127 in stock.


Love the convenience of coffee pods but not the environmental impact? This pack of two Italian made reusable coffee pods is compatible with Nespresso* capsule machines. So you can enjoy an excellent, creamy espresso and help reduce the daily landfill generated by the disposable coffee capsule industry. Now that’s a good brew!

WayCap capsules are sustainable AND ethically produced! And unlike pre-packaged capsules, they're designed to be reused - it’s why they’re made of 100% stainless steel, with no additional filters, lids or packaging for each cup.

Easy to use
Simply fill with your favourite ground coffee using the WayCap Dispenser and Tamper - perfected to allow for quick and easy refilling without making a mess, and the ability to apply uniform pressure.

Save money
Brewing coffee with WayCap Ez offers substantial cost savings compared to buying pre-packaged capsules.

Prefer a strong coffee? Steel-lidded pods may not be the product for you. We recommend brewing with 2 x WayCaps per coffee. Compare our reusable pods via the following article, as we are unable to accept returns of used product.


  • 2 Stainless Steel Reusable Capsules & Screw-Top Lids
  • 8 Stainless Steel Filters/Tops
  • 1 Manual Coffee Dispenser
  • 1 Tamper
  • Gasket Set

^Ground coffee sold separately.


Those who are after a zero waste cuppa! WayCap are infinitely reusable from the bottom to the top (lid and all!), which naturally results in a little less pressure build-up than a capsule with a pierce-able lid. Unlike other steel-topped capsules however, the innovative WayCap design utilises interchangeable steel filters, perfect to play with whilst you're finessing your method and eco-friendly brew!

Still deciding with reusable pod is for you? Take our capsule quiz! 


Check your machine compatibility here.


Tip: Like it strong? When brewing with WayCap, we suggest 2 pods per coffee for a fuller bodied brew.

Results may vary. This is not a pre-filled capsule - extraction is dependant on which coffee you use, and how you use it.

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